Monday, December 27, 2010

Halex Photography - Growing a Dream

I want to reciprocate Ken Richmond's kind gesture of mentioning me and my new photography site in his blog.  But, while I had an idea to start my own photography business and was tossing that idea around, Ken took his idea a whole lot further, faster and turned an idea into a growing business!!!

So, congratulations to Ken for turning his dream into reality!!!  Check out his site to see what Ken has been up to... ....  and what services he is offering.

Good luck in your endeavors Ken!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Universe is a Beautiful Thing

Wow, it's been a while!!!!!  So, what better way to get back to blogging by talking about and presenting one of my more challenging photo shoots.

It's December 21st!!!!!!!!  What?  So!!!  Wellllllll, that's Winter Solstice!!!!  But this year, it coincides with a total lunar eclipse!!!!! Next time that will happen will be in the year 2401... and I, you and the rest of us, will not be around to see that one :-(

I heard about the event on the news, which is unusual, as I am normally up to speed on celestial occurances...  but not this time.  With only a days notice, I gathered my gear and studied up on how to take photograph of such an event... as it turns out, there is a lot more involved in taking a picture of the moon, in the dark, while freezing my a_ _ off !!!  LOL!!!!

Shot with a Nikon D3S, Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 lens and 1.7x Teleconverter  at
ISO 200 to 1000, f16-11 and shutter speeds of 1/100s - 1.3"

Taking the shots was a lot of fun, but it was also scary (that's another blog)...  and it was cold (did I mention that?).  When I arrived at 10 pm it was very bright, but then turned dark as the eclipse unfolded... which was eerie.... and many frames later, viola!!! You be the judge;  I am pretty happy with the results....